Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's Almost That Time of Year Again

September 25th kicks off Banned Books Week once again! That does cheer me up greatly. From the 25th to October 2nd (all of the week) I'll be posting my thoughts on various banned books I have read each day. Join me in celebrating by adding your thoughts or reviewing some on your own blog.
Visit the official website for events and information (check out their map to see where books have been challenged or banned around you)
Or visit the ALA's site where lists of commonly banned books can be found.


  1. I'm reading a PDF file on that site (thanks for the link!) at the moment, and all I have to say is "OMG how backward a country is the US?!" Good grief! Glad I don't live there, that's for sure. Even if they do have lots of lovely nature.

    I mean, seriously, banning MARK bleedin' TWAIN?!

  2. There have been bannings in other countries (I don't know how wide spread) but yeah, people tend to go overboard with what offends them. They also forget that most things (like what to read and watch) should be regulated on a personal or family- when dealing with children- level. If you don't want your child to read it, don't take it out of the library, just don't let your child read it.
    I found out that there have actually been some books challenged at libraries very close to me.

    Think Mark Twain banning is crazy? They also banned Little House on the Prairie in some places. Seriously.

  3. The PDF was 32 pages long and I stopped about half-way because it was getting too depressing. For instance, I read about some parents who couldn't get the school to comply with their rabid wishes went so far as to report the teacher to the police! o.O Over-reacting much?!

    Banning LHotP? Really? I was probably ten when I read them so I don't remember a lot, but what on earth was offensive in those??? Here are some suggestions of books that should be banned using that sort of skewed logic: Jane Eyre for being offensive to the mentally ill and containing sexual themes, Villette for being anti-Catholic, Wuthering Heights for being partially written in undecipherable 19th century Yorkshire accent ...

    Ireland was pretty keen on banning books too in the past, possibly still is, but in Sweden, I don't think I've ever heard of it. UK probably have. Wouldn't surprise me.

    I think you're absolutely right - it should be up to the parents. If my parents didn't want me watching a certain TV show, they just wouldn't let me; they didn't write to the channel demanding it be taken off air.
